Saturday, March 6, 2010

Boys and Bathrooms

There is a really cool place in every building we go in. It's this thing called the Restroom. Beware, Mommy will tell you it's not clean, ask you if you reeeaally have to go, and even beg you to hold it just a little longer. Don't give in, you will miss all the fun. If she gets persistent, just hold yourself and whine, maybe jump up and down a little, that helps.
Every one is different. Some have these handles that make the toilet make this super loud noise, no matter how many times you push it. Some of them make that noise when you stand up. This is REALLY cool, in some of these Restroom places, they have toilets hanging on the wall! You stand there and go potty, right there on the wall!! They are awesome!! (note- if Daddy is with you, he will tell you not to look at anyone or talk while you use the special wall toilets - he's kind of weird that way, mommy talks all the time in the Restroom thing.) 

Ok, when as you are leaving, there are sinks, you can just ignore those, they're just like the ones at home. Boring!! 

Good Luck, and have fun!!
-The Boys-


  1. "... if Daddy is with you, he will tell you not to look at anyone or talk while you use the special wall toilets." LOL! This was so good, I read it aloud to my husband and we laughed for a long time :D


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